"Who doesn't like it on land." Golf on the water
It would seem that all that could surprise the architects in terms of original projects…

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Mini Golf was invented for women!
Playing mini Golf is much older than you think. The very first mini-Golf course was…

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How Golf courses are created. Master class from Edwina Roald
Icelandic Golf architect Edwin Roald shared tips on the full cycle of Golf course construction.…

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How to choose a Golf club online

Shopping online can be a great way to purchase the putter You’ve always wanted at the best price. But be careful, not all the gold that glitters. Here are some tips to help you with this.

Choosing a club in an online store can significantly expand the range, and you can save compared to buying a club in a professional store. But You must understand the risk of such purchases. The network is full of crooks and scammers, deceiving people every day. But You can have problems even with stores with a good reputation. A Golf club is an individual thing. So do not buy the first caught the eye inventory, take a little time for a deeper search to avoid disappointment from the purchase.
You have to know exactly what kind of stick you want. It is best to go to a local golfer shop and pick up the club that suits you best. Most of these stores will provide free advice and advise the most suitable type of handle, flexibility, angle and length of the stick. This will greatly help you find the right stick on the Internet.
Make sure that the website where You are going to make a purchase is reliable:
The site contains a phone number and easily accessible contact information
The site is a member Of the Association of consumer rights enterprises
The site has an icon “protection against hackers” or similar
The site accepts credit card payments
The site provides a guarantee for your product.
The site provides a money back guarantee. If the stick does not suit You, You can get your money back.
There are also many sites selling copies or analogues of famous brands. Many of these clubs are excellent alternatives to branded products, especially if savings are important to You. The same principle applies when choosing the company from which you want to buy inventory. The money back guarantee often indicates that they are not trying to deceive you.

Top 5 highest paid golfers
The profits of professional athletes have increased significantly over the past 20 years. The average…


There are two main game formats in Golf-match play and stroke play. The first is…


In Golf, as in other sports, there are a lot of terms that for the…
