15 things every golfer hates
In this sport, players are spared even having to carry their own equipment. But some…

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How to clean a Golf club
After the day's swings, chips and putts, Your clubs probably won't look good. And one…

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Equipment for the game
Every novice golfer faced the problem of choice. How not to make a mistake and…

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Golf for the sake of survival

Golf is a symbol of aristocracy, part of the image and fashionable hobby. This opinion can be heard from most people when it comes to this sport. For some, however, Golf is more than a social pastime. There are those who with the help of this game have to win their right to a place in the sun in society.

Among such unique people is British Leo Millar, a 12-year-old boy with a congenital deformity of the hand. Leo’s acquaintance with Golf happened by accident: in his father’s garage he caught sight of a Golf club. On the grass behind the house the boy made his first blows to the ball, not suspecting that this “acquaintance” with the stick would be fatal. Leo made strikes only with his left hand, however, this did not prevent him from punching almost 100 yards. The father, seeing in his son a clear potential, hurried to take the child to a Golf club of local importance and learn the opinion of professionals.

“The disease has always encouraged Leo to be purposeful,” Ian Miller told the Daily Mail. “Professionals, seeing the ability of his son, offered free classes.”

And, I must say, their expectations were met. Two months later, Leo hit the ball at 180 m. a Professional in his field, the coach of the Golf club Poole, convinced that the guy has a great future. “For a novice golfer, Leo’s start is simply stunning. Golf swing is only a part of Golf, but such talent needs to be developed. Inexhaustible enthusiasm and commitment is all it takes to become a professional. Leo has it all.

A British company that produces ultra-modern prostheses, 2 years ago developed a flexible glove made of silicone, which is attached to the right hand. The device was created taking into account all the features of Leo Millar’s problem and allowed the child to master the other techniques of the game and compete with other participants in tournaments.

Bob watts, representing the company, said that the bionic prosthesis designed for Leo will open up a lot of opportunities for him to live a full life and to play Golf, including. Leo himself admitted that he was very happy to have such a prosthesis and hopes to become a true professional in Golf.

It should be noted that in addition to Leo Millar, the world knows other people who are not prevented by disability to play Golf. American Tom McAuliffe, who had no hands at all, punched for 150 yards. Tom’s amazing willpower and love of Golf allowed Him to become a unique player who masterfully handled the stick sandwiched between his cheek and shoulder.

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