Golf for the blind
Golf for the blind is strictly governed by the rules of the Royal and Ancient…

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Egypt. Round with Pharaoh
When it comes to Golf, in most cases there are persistent associations with Prim England,…

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Although Golf is a fairly democratic sport, it has its own regulations, including a number…

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“Who doesn’t like it on land.” Golf on the water

It would seem that all that could surprise the architects in terms of original projects of Golf courses, have already surprised. In the most unexpected corners of the world found places chosen as the territory for the game. The imagination has nowhere to go. However, enterprising developers in search of an answer to the question “where else was there no fields?”, came to the original conclusion -” on the water.”

Thus, in the Maldives, in the Indian ocean, by 2015 it is planned to build the first ever Golf course on the water.

At first glance, it may seem that the project is too ambitious and daring in design. But the authors are convinced that its implementation will not harm the environment, as solar energy, which is abundant in the Maldives, will be the main source of energy for the field. Moreover, it is supposed to use innovative technologies of cooling and desalination of water.

The field will be a floating 3-4-hole platform. The total number of holes is 18. Platforms should be connected to each other and hotels by underwater tunnels.

Maldives is located on coral Islands. The highest point of the land is at a critically low level of water-at an altitude of 2.3 m. If as a result of climate change on the planet the water level reaches this figure-for the Maldives will come not the best times, given the direct dependence of the economy on tourism. President of the Republic Mohamed Nasheed noted that the state plans to buy land in other countries, in case the situation becomes critical and residents will have to look for new housing, leaving the flooded Islands.

To implement such ambitious plans, the country is looking for new ways to replenish the state Treasury. A new Golf course is planned to be built near male international airport (5 minutes from it). For passengers it will be a great opportunity to spend time playing Golf while waiting for the flight. According to preliminary data, the cost of the project will be $ 500 million.

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