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When a beginner golfer learns the theory and practice the technique of movements, he wants to fully play Golf-try yourself on the field.

It should be understood that each Golf course is a unique area with a thoughtful and perfectly organized landscape, including areas with grass of different lengths, trees, shrubs, ponds, sand holes and other elements of landscape design.

There are two types of fields:

Natural, unique corners of nature, mainly located on the coasts;

Fields designed by architects and landscape designers.


And if you are just getting acquainted with Golf, we offer to study the structure of the Golf course.

The standard field covers an area of about one hundred hectares and consists of:

a play area offering 18 holes. A more “simplified” option is a nine — hole field;

driving Range training fields;

individual sites for development of technology short game Putting Green and Chipping Green;

an instructor-led training course for an aspiring golfer (Par 3).

In turn, the playing field includes the following basic elements:

Playground “Ti” – the site for the start, it is with him that the player makes the first strike;

Fairway is the main area that occupies most of the playing field. It is covered with medium length grass;

the green area is the area where the hole is located. It is covered with short (a few millimeters), perfectly trimmed grass, and therefore the ball in this area can roll without interference. The location of the hole is indicated by a special flag.

Additional elements of the playing field include:

“RAF” – areas with untouched natural vegetation or tall grass. Hitting the ball in this area is best avoided, as when hit in the ” RAF ” the player is forced to knock the ball into the main area first, and then continue the game;

obstacles. It can be ponds, trees, buildings, as well as sand “bunkers”. All these elements can be located in the main area of the field (“Fairway”), and in the immediate vicinity of the site”green”.



Choosing where you can play Golf, novice golfer, of course, seeks to conquer the professional field. However, begin to hone skills should be on a simpler field with nine holes. A great place to learn how to play Golf in a fairly short period of time — a special field for beginners, occupying a small area and has a flat, flat terrain with a minimum of obstacles.

Our Golf Academy is an ideal place to practice the technique of strokes. But to work out the technique of strokes and learn to play Golf, you can already on a special training field.

In General, training games are better to spend on short sections of “Ti”. This will not only quietly work out the technique of blows, but also to save a decent number of balls.

To experience learning to play Golf was only positive, you should objectively assess their capabilities and gradually gain experience and improve their skills. The duration of one game is determined individually — it is conducted as long as such training is fun.

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