Golf for the blind
Golf for the blind is strictly governed by the rules of the Royal and Ancient…

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Golf lessons and techniques
Lesson 1. How to hold a stick The basis of the technique of Golf is…

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In Golf, as in other sports, there are a lot of terms that for the…

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Clubs in the hands of kids

The First Tee is a unique American program aimed at engaging children in Golf. Executive Director of the program Joe Luois Barrow is convinced that the passion for this game since childhood will have a positive impact on many aspects of life in the future. In proof of his theory Mr. Luois brought some undeniable arguments:

1. Health and great shape. The problem of hypodynamia and obesity, which has recently become relevant for most children, can be solved thanks to Golf. Constant movement on the field during the game with a small load on his shoulders in the form of a bag with clubs burns a certain amount of calories. So, a player weighing about 70 kg will lose 350 calories in one round.

2. Family connection. Alas, in the modern world the concept of family traditions is gradually disappearing. Children of the era of Internet entertainment are less likely to find an interesting pastime with their parents. In this sense, Golf can be a great opportunity to get together, socialize and spend time in nature fun and healthy. Enthusiastic game parents can be seriously interested in children.

3. Etiquette in a fun way. Tedious moralizing parents and teachers on the topic of” what is good and what is bad”, as a rule, do not have the proper effect on the behavior of children. But the knowledge and values instilled in the learning process of Golf, absorbed easily and with pleasure. After all, all the principles of the game and behavior on the field are based on respect for the rest of the participants.

4. Familiarity with the basic rules of conduct in a professional environment. Knowledge and understanding of the generally accepted rules of behavior in society and, directly, in the professional environment, will help children in the future to easily establish business contacts in business and any other fields of activity.

5. Power over emotions. To be able to cope with yourself in any situation is a skill that comes with the years, and the sooner you start to learn it, the more likely to emerge victorious from any everyday adversity and stand firm dizzying UPS. Golf in this sense is a great teacher. Experience successful, not very successful and very unsuccessful shots will learn to analyze their actions, predict the consequences of each following strike, concentrate on the implementation of the upcoming, and also to control emotions and have a positive perception of what is happening.

6. Education responsibility. Playing Golf requires a sufficient adult attitude to the preparation and execution of tasks. And only having approached with full responsibility to all stages in the game, the child, leaving the green, can say with confidence that he did everything in his power to successfully complete the rounds, even if the competition is not won.

7. Sociability. Problems with communication make many kids reclusive and withdrawn loners. Given the completely different audience on the Golf course and the need to exchange a few words during the round, the child gradually and painlessly acquires the skills of interpersonal communication.

How to choose a Golf club online
Shopping online can be a great way to purchase the putter You've always wanted at…


10 unique mini Golf courses in history
Mini Golf is not just miniature Golf. Sure, it follows from the name, but a…


Golf and its" not Chinese " ceremonies
Got an invitation to the round, but with Golf You're still on "You"? Well, at…
