Fun facts about mini Golf
Golf is one of the few sports in the world where playgrounds are so unusual.…

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Playing on the field and indoors. Is there a big difference?
To make a decision in favor of a particular way of the game can only…

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Golfer important diet
Great pleasure from the process of playing-this is perhaps one of the main advantages of…

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Golf club

So, You are already eager to play Golf, bought a beautiful glove and comfortable shoes? It’s a small matter, it remains to choose a quality stick. It is quite easy for a beginner to get lost in a huge variety of Golf clubs, and the outcome of the game can directly depend on the right equipment.

So what is a Golf club? It is a sports projectile in the form of a stick, the other end of which is bent. They are made of a wide variety of materials. The name of the types of clubs may refer to the material from which it is made. There are 29 types of sports equipment. The total number of clubs during the game of Golf should not be more than 14 per player.

The history of the putter Continue reading


A few decades ago, a golfer, preparing for the game, collected a weighty bag. He took at least 25 clubs with him on the field. Later, a rule was introduced, according to which the maximum number of clubs that a player has the right to use in one match is 14. In total, today there are about three dozen varieties of this main equipment for Golf. And it is very important to be able to choose them correctly, because Golf clubs directly affect the course of the game, and its result.

Golf club

A putter is a special device with which a golfer strikes the ball. It is a projectile consisting of a handle, head and connecting element (metal or plastic rod). Continue reading

Equipment for the game
Every novice golfer faced the problem of choice. How not to make a mistake and…


Golf lessons and techniques
Lesson 1. How to hold a stick The basis of the technique of Golf is…


Coward doesn't play Golf. Ice the contest.
"A coward does not play Golf" -this is how the familiar phrase can now sound…
