"Who doesn't like it on land." Golf on the water
It would seem that all that could surprise the architects in terms of original projects…

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Golf lessons and techniques
Lesson 1. How to hold a stick The basis of the technique of Golf is…

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India. Golf with obstacles
If at the mention of India, you have the idea that there sings and dances…

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In Golf, as in other sports, there are a lot of terms that for the uninitiated players are represented by magic spells. Some of them may never come in handy. But other details, such as the main shock and the clubs, the players, the rules of account and formats of competitions, make up base, no where on the field do nothing. Let’s try to understand.

The game is played on a Golf course-a specially prepared area with uneven terrain. The first blow is performed from the site, called ti, and the last zone with a hole, in which you need to drive the ball, becomes the green-the area with the lowest grass. Continue reading

The 50 sexiest women in professional Golf
Let's be honest. Most guys are happy to watch Golf if they see beautiful women…


Japan. Golf-samurai
Master the art of ikebana and the skill of sword fighting, see the spectacular theater…


Coward doesn't play Golf. Ice the contest.
"A coward does not play Golf" -this is how the familiar phrase can now sound…
