Golf and its" not Chinese " ceremonies
Got an invitation to the round, but with Golf You're still on "You"? Well, at…

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Egypt. Round with Pharaoh
When it comes to Golf, in most cases there are persistent associations with Prim England,…

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10 unique mini Golf courses in history
Mini Golf is not just miniature Golf. Sure, it follows from the name, but a…

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When a beginner golfer learns the theory and practice the technique of movements, he wants to fully play Golf-try yourself on the field.

It should be understood that each Golf course is a unique area with a thoughtful and perfectly organized landscape, including areas with grass of different lengths, trees, shrubs, ponds, sand holes and other elements of landscape design.

There are two types of fields:

Natural, unique corners of nature, mainly located on the coasts; Continue reading


If you have just started to learn Golf and do not yet know the rules, do not worry! The practical minimum coupled with club etiquette is usually stated on the player’s score card. But if your goal is not just participation, but a confident victory, you need to know the rules of the game of Golf by heart: for errors, penalty kicks are awarded, and in a match game you will have to concede a hole to the opposing side.

The essence of the game of Golf is reduced to three basic principles:

Play the field as it is.
Play the ball as it lies.
And if neither is possible, do it justice. Continue reading

Best holiday gifts for golfers 2013
The Internet is full of ideas of useless and unnecessary gifts. But how to choose…


Golf. Where to start?
Golf is one of the most popular sports. It is quite easy to learn and…


Japan. Golf-samurai
Master the art of ikebana and the skill of sword fighting, see the spectacular theater…
